Saturday, April 18, 2020

April 20-24 Learning Packet

Third Grade: April 20-24
If you print this out, you could use the little bullets as a checkoff place to help you know what has been completed.

You get a break this week!! Spelling words are a review from this whole unit. Also, a change in math. You’ll read about it below.

Make sure student is taking AR tests. These will play a major role in grade assignments. Please email Mrs. Shoemaker at or call her at 334.616.2661 if you experience problems logging on.

Open Court Reading: So You Want to Be President?
o   Review vocabulary
o   Listen to the story online
o   Pay attention to highlighted vocabulary words while listening
o   Read the story aloud to someone
o   Read it silently
o   Workbook pages 149-150 and 151-152 are for timed reading. I’m not a big fan of timing (I’ve read too much research about the detrimental effects) but it’s something on grade level your child can read aloud to you for practice.
o   Complete workbook pages 153-156. Tear out and place in envelope to return.
o   4-square sentences using one vocabulary word in each. Remember we fold paper in fourths. One sentence goes in each box. Sentences should start with a capital letter, end with appropriate punctuation, have the vocabulary word spelled correctly and underlined. One vocabulary word in each of four total sentences. Place in envelope to return.
o   4-square sentences with spelling words. Same as above but two spelling words in each sentence for a total of four sentences. Place in envelope to return.
o   Spelling test: if they want to write the words in cursive after they take the test printing the words, they certainly may. (The children are accustomed to my grading our tests immediately and are always eager to know what they made. I’ve sent you grading scales in case you want to do this. You certainly don’t have to. Challenge words don’t count in the spelling grade.) Place in envelope to return.
o   No Open Court reading test

Saxon Math: In the work packet, you will find these lessons stapled together. You will also see a packet for this week labeled “adults only”. These are answer keys or directions I feel may help you. The children are accustomed to my grading our facts or tests immediately and are always eager to know what they made. I’ve sent you grading scales in case you want to do this. You certainly don’t have to.
This week, if you would like to skip the homework on the back of our math sheets, you may. Your decision.
o   Monday, April 20 Lesson 110-2 (Assessments/Tests) Complete Fact Assessment 21-2 and Written Assessment 21 (see answer sheet)
o   Tuesday, April 21 Lesson 111 (identifying a fractional part of a set and determining age) Guided Class Practice 111A (see answer sheet), Class Fact Practice 111A (see email for 25 math facts grading scale)
o   Wednesday, April 22 Lesson 112 (multiplying a one-digit number and a two-digit number using mental computation…directions are in your adult section…in mental math, children use different techniques. Your child may complete differently than you would and that’s ok…as long as the answer is accurate. It’s interesting to let them explain to you how they figure it out.) Guided Class Practice 112A (see answer sheet), Class Fact Practice 112A (see email for 25 math facts grading scale)
o   Thursday, April 23 Lesson 113 (Practice multiplying by 9 and by 4) Class Fact Practice 113A (see email for 25 math facts grading scale)
o   Friday, April 24 Lesson 114 (multiplying by 9) Class Fact Practice 114A (see email for 25 math facts grading scale)
o   Place all math in envelope to return.

Liberty’s Legacy: Unit 8, Military. Watch videos, complete workbook pages 17-18 and the vocabulary portion on p. 26. Don’t tear out these pages. This workbook will be returned to me May 4 (as of today’s writing. I’m sure it’s subject to change).

Handwriting: We are basically through with handwriting. As I’ve said before, I don’t have a copy of the handwriting workbook. In the months before school begins next year, try to practice cursive every once in a while. You can ask your child to write all the capital letters. Then another day, ask them to write all the lowercase letters, connecting each one to the next one. (They often forget to dot i’s and j’s and cross t’s.)

o   Monday: What would you love to invent?
o   Tuesday: What’s your favorite outfit? Describe it for me head to toe.
o   Wednesday: Would you rather see a movie, a parade, or a magic show? Why?
o   Thursday: What’s your favorite candy? Why?
o   Friday: What’s under your bed right now?

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